Community Based Instruction (CBI)
CBI prepares students for life after graduation, focusing in several areas, including community participation, vocational and/or volunteerism, community recreation, and life skills towards postsecondary goals.
CBI provides volunteer and unpaid internship opportunities for students in the community setting. CBI provides job coaching to support students in meeting their Structured Learning Experience goals, tied to the NJ student learning standards, NJSLS. Tracking visits, assessing strengths, interests and preferences and documenting progress at work settings helps create a student profile along the way, leading towards success after graduation.Community outreach and partnerships with local nonprofits and the private sector help educate the community in Autism. Students practicing “soft skills”: interpersonal skills, problem solving skills, social skills, following schedules, taking direction from, and communicating with unfamiliar employers, mentors and coworkers helps prepare students for adult life. Collaborating with Allegro teachers and related services, parents, districts and adult service agencies, ensures creating an individualized plan; implementing coordinated activities and strategies to reach postsecondary goals. |